The SemiProbe family of vacuum probing systems have expanded due to new application requirements – high volume MEMS testing, High Voltage testing and 300 mm. SemiProbe has a family of manual, semiautomatic and fully automatic vacuum probing systems primarily to test MEMS and High Voltage Devices. MEMS Production Testing under Vacuum
Historical MEMS probing solutions involved manual and semiautomatic systems that were primarily used for research, device characterization and limited production. In the past two years systems were developed for production (24/7) applications that include material handling, pre-aligners, end-effectors, multiple black bodies, thermal (-60 C to 300 C), test equipment, customized graphical user interfaces (GUI) and vacuum levels to 10-6 torr. Most vacuum testing occurs between 10-3 torr and 10-6 torr. Individual manipulators (programmable) or a probe card are used to contact the device under test (DUT). Wafers tested range from 150 mm to 300 mm in size. Automated handling of the wafers is performed using a few methods – cassettes with wafers or cassettes with a carrier plates with wafers.
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