We believe parametric testing should be fast, easy and trouble-free. Unfortunately, there is sometimes a difference between what should be and what is. With advances in circuit complexity, just ferreting out information on characteristics of one transistor is not enough. There needs to be ways of uncovering quality and reliability problems early in the manufacturing sequence. Sometimes this is called “testing to learn” and it is important in both development and production.
DC parametric testing isn’t just computers, instrument drivers, and test hardware. It is all of that – and more – integrated into one optimized package. What anyone in charge of parametric testing wants is a solution, a complete solution, to the problems of testing. For those parts of parametric testing that haven’t changed, and aren’t going to, there’s no need to reinvent the wheel.
Matching software to hardware means that the whole can be optimized for speed, accuracy, and ease of use. And over time, the platform ought to be upgradeable while maintaining compatibility with hardware and software. This integrated total solution is the approach Reedholm Systems has chosen for its line of testers.
From silicon applications to wide band gap compound device applications, we have complete access to rich 35 year inventory of test and measurement IP covering the widest possible span for a platform of systems. And we are eager to partner with customers for the development of new capabilities required for future test and measurement challenges. Simply, we strive to be a customer centric operation that measures up to your expectations.
We look forward to working with you.